Map Use Terms

These are the brief terms of getting access to one of the mapping functions on

The following always apply to all aspects of

1) Terms and Conditions

2) Editorial Content Requirements   <-- please read these if you haven't as they prohibit certain  kinds of postings


Finally, you will be given access to identify where your food truck will be at any specific time.  This allows you to edit map locations of food trucks.

  *** Any violations of this access below will result in immediate termination of your access to the map indefinitely.  Depending on the severity, there also may be full banning from the website including loss of any paid subscription fees ***

1) You may only update the food truck location that you own.  You may not touch, access, modify or do anything to any other food truck information and/or location.

2) You agree to keep the locations updated or remove your food truck location if you are not operating that day.  This can be done with setting the dates on the location.

3) Once a date on a location has expired, your food truck location will disappear.  By doing this, we can build trust with our users.  If they truck is not there, it is likely not operating.

4) You cannot modify the "more information" link, it must link back to your profile on

Your use of the food truck map indicates that you agree to these terms.

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